Jual Ultrasonic Processors with Temperature Controller, Hub: Bp. Sinaga, email : pro.teknik@ yahoo.co.id ; pro-teknik@ live.com, Telpn/ Fax : 021 470 4719, Hp: 08 2124 167 067[14 Jan. 2011, 3:10:25]
Cole-Parmer® 500- and 750-Watt Ultrasonic Processors with Temperature Controller
Cole-Parmer 750-Watt Ultrasonic Homogenizers with Temperature Controller, 230 VAC
What' s Included:
converter, tool kit, foot switch connection, 1/ 2" ( 13-mm dia) probe 04710-31 with replaceable tip, and a 6-ft cord with plug.
Watts 750
Tip Diameter 13-mm ( 1/ 2" ) dia probe
Dimensions Processor unit is 7-1/ 2" W x 8-1/ 2" H x 13-1/ 2" D
Power 230 VAC, 50/ 60 Hz
Frequency 20 kHz
Sample volume 250 µ L to 19 L/ hr
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