Jual Portable Solar Powered Wireless Weather Station , Hub: Bp. Sinaga, Telpn/ Fax : 021 470 4719, Hp : 0815 1311 6206 ; 021 93 800 487; 08 2124 167 067, email: pro.teknik@ yahoo.co.id ; pro-teknik@ live.com[31 Jan. 2011, 5:57:04]
Portable Solar Powered Wireless Weather Station
Designed to measure and record in remote areas
Log up to one year of weather measurements
This solar powered, self-contained weather station measures and records barometric pressure, temperature, humidity, dew point, wind direction, wind speed, rain fall and solar radiation. Ideal for remote field measurements. Program the logging sample rate from once a minute to once an hour. At one sample per hour, the datalogger will store over one year of measurements. Download data to a laptop for evaluation with included software and RS-232 interface. Weather station fits into rugged transport case.
What’ s included: solar powered sensor/ data logger assembly, battery charger, compass, ten-foot tripod, tie down hardware, software and RS-232 cable, and a carrying case.
Wind direction range 0 to 360° ( 10° resolution)
Wind speed accuracy ± 2% of full scale
Wind speed range 0 to 150 mph; 0 to 130 knots; 0 to 67 m/ s; 0 to 240 km/ hr
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