JUAL POLARI METER WGX-4 . Hubungi Bapak HIBOR 081210434500/ 081210582600 email : sales_ tokogsi@ hotmail.com Tlp/ Fax: 021-30012552
Characteristic: visual aim; manual measure; easy operation
Fungsi: untuk mengukur zat organik dengan rotasi optik. Dengan bantuan dari disk polarimeter, gravitasi, spesifik kemurnian, konsentrasi & kandungan bahan aktif ( seperti larutan gula, minyak terpentin & kapur barus) dapat diukur. Sebagai contoh, dalam industri makanan, dapat digunakan untuk memeriksa kandungan gula dan mengukur kadar gula perasa makanan, Di klinik atau rumah sakit, dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kadar gula dan protein dalam urin. Di kilang gula, dapat digunakan untuk memeriksa konsentrasi larutan gula dalam proses industri.
Measuring Range -180° ~ + 180°
Minimum value in Reading 0.05°
Accuracy ± 0.05°
Sensitivity 0.05°
Quality 7.6kg
Outer Size 510mm× 135mm× 250mm
This brand new type WGX-4 disk polarimeter can be used in the chemical industry, hospitals, colleges, and universities and scientific research in situations, for measuring the organic substances with optical rotation. With the aid of the disk polarimeter, the specific gravity, purity, concentration & content of active materials ( such as sugar solution, turpentine oil & camphor) can be measured. For example, in the food industry, it can be used to inspect the sugar content and measure the sugar content of food flavorings, In the clinic or hospital, it can be used to measure the sugar content and protein in urine. In the sugar refinery, it can be used to inspect the concentration of the sugar solution in industrial processes.
Negara Asal: China
Stock : Banyak
Hubungi Bapak HIBOR 081210434500/ 081210582600 email : sales_tokogsi@ hotmail.com Tlp/ Fax: 021-30012552