jual Radio Rig Icom V8000 hub sanny alnindo / 0215694-2888, 0215696-8763, 0815-8683-8888.
Frequency coverage
144 - 148 MHz
136 - 174 MHz*
* Guaranteed 144 - 148 MHz only
Frequency ranges are depending on version
Mode FM ( F3E, F2D)
No. of memory channels 207 ( including 6 scan edges, and 1 call channel)
Operating temperature range -10° C to + 60° C; + 14° F to + 140° F
Frequency stability ± 10 ppm ( -10° C to + 60° C)
Power supply requirement 13.8 V DC ± 15% ( negative ground)
Current drain
Tx High ( at 75W) 15A
Rx Max. audio 1.0A
Standby 0.3A typical ( Fan-OFF)
Antenna connector SO-239 ( 50© )
( projections not included) 150( W) × 50( H) × 150( D) mm;
529/ 32( W) × 131/ 32( H) × 529/ 32( D) in
Weight 1.09 kg; 2.2 lb .